Saturday 23 January 2016

The Mystery of Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle is one of the most mysterious place of the world which is a dented trapezium shaped area in the North Atlantic Ocean of the Western part. The triangular area of Bermuda Triangle is enclosed with Miami and San Juan. 

Bermuda Triangle is also known as Devil’s Triangle- a greatest mystery that is unsolved by the modern age. This triangle dissappears many ships, boats, planes and people. It is said that once a person get into the triangle, will never come again. 


There are many myths about Bermuda Triangle. One myth about Bermuda Triangle is that many lives go there and can’t come back. There occured number of disappearences. Thousands of lives have been lost there over past hundred years. About twenty hatches and four planes as an average go there every year and will be found again. The reason for disappearance have never been found. No one knows whats the mystery exist there. But people said that there is a devil that lives on that part of the world so they named this triangle as Devil’s Triangle. It has been observed that most of the disappearences have been found between San Juan (Puerto Rico) and Miami (Florida)-that is triangle’s southern boundary. 

History of Bermuda Triangle:-

With the christopher columbus this mystery has been started. Christopher Columbus wrote about Bermuda Trianlge in his Journals. He said, he observed a fireball over the sky in this area and also watercraft’s compass didn’t work.Columbus get his eyes  over the compasss which has stopped from working and there he comes to know that it gives some strange readings. The day was 8 October, 1492. He didn’t give any information to his crew regarding this matter. But after three days when Columbus get a mysterious light, the crew decided to go to Spain and checked the matter.   

Facts About Bermuda Triangle:-

Fact No. 1:-

The area of sea that Bermuda Triangle covers is about 440000 miles. This means it is not a small part.  

Fact No. 2:-

The effects of the triangle can also be experienced outside the boundaries of the triangle too because it is not fixed on one place.

Fact No. 3:-

It is said that the Bermuda Triangle disappearences is caused due to alien activity and UFO’s. It is also due to some natural, geographical and some other number of technical reasons. 

Fact No. 4:-

The debris of anything like plane or ship cannot be found whenever it get disappears.

Fact No. 5:-

From the last hundred years, thousands of lives have been lost. Twenty hatches and four crafts have been missed each year. 

Fact No. 6:-

In 1945, US Military has the biggest loss. There are five torpedo bombers of US Navy Avenger into the palne that has on a mission with 14 men. About 90 minutes ago, it has been come to know to the radio operators that compass stopped working and then the communication was lost. And those bombers have never found again. The three palnes was sent for rescue but they also got disappeared and will never come back.  

Fact No. 7:-

Christopher Columbus is the first person who wrote about Bermuda Triangle in his journals. So he is the first person who found it. 


Bermuda Triangle is the rare places in the world in which one can go and can never be back again. No one knows the exact reason for that. So the mystery continues.

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